Monthly Archives: September 2015


Successful GRADnet “Meet the Employers” event for Physics PhD students

Last night at the University of Southampton SEPnet’s Graduate Network (GRADnet) held a networking evening to facilitate collaboration and links between industry and physics with postgraduate research students and researchers (PGRs).

Attending the event were:

  • SEPnet PGR students who wanted to meet employers from physics-related industries to find out about career opportunities, make contacts and explore research and business ideas.
  • SEPnet partner researchers who wanted to build links with industry to explore how their research can create impact.
  • SMEs, businesses and employers in physics-related industries interested in developing links with universities and recruiting physics graduates.
Panel session

Introducing the Panel session

During the evening we heard from panellists Simon Crook of EPSRC; Anke Lohmann, KTN Head of Photonics & Quantum Technologies; Julian Potter of WP Thompson IP; Nick Walker of eOsphere; Andrew Witham of Symetrica; Maya Dillon, Community Manager of Pivigo Academy who talked about the benefits of knowledge exchange and what physics postgraduates and postdocs can offer industry.

This was followed by a “speed networking” event in which PGR students, academics and employers discussed how to build ongoing relationships between industry and researchers through placements, mentoring or research collaboration.


Speed Networking

Speed Networking

Speed Networking

At the end of the evening there was an opportunity for informal networking over refreshments. Feedback from students, employers and academics was that the events was extremely successful and enjoyable. The next event is being planned and is likely to be at The University of Kent on the 27th January 2016. Details will be posted on the GRADnet VRE.




More photos from the evening can be found on Google Photos:


SEPnet sponsors the WISE ‘People Like Me’ Resource pack and app

SEPnet is delighted to support the launch of new resources by Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) who have produced a set of training and teaching resources for teachers, STEM Ambassadors and an interactive app for girls to help educate and inspire.

At the British Science Festival in Bradford yesterday, Stephanie McGovern, journalist and broadcaster, hosted the launch of the ‘People like me’ resource pack and app which is is the first novel approach to increasing the number of girls in science in 30 years. Research conducted by WISE in the Not for people like me report, found that talking about scientists and engineers and what they do often doesn’t attract girls. Instead, allowing girls to look at the sort of person they are and how their attributes correspond to roles in these sectors does.

SEPnet’s Professor Averil MacDonald produced the Not for people like me report and spoke at the launch of the new resource packs.

The resource packs are available from  here: PeopleLikeMe_SEPnet_mainpack



GRADnet Summer School

SEPnet shortlisted for Times Higher Education award

We are delighted that SEPnet has been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education (THE) Award for Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative for our work with postgraduate research students.


Hundreds of nominations from institutions, departments and individuals were submitted across 18 categories covering the full range of university activity.


The full shortlist for all 18 categories is published in Times Higher Education and is also available on the awards website:   The winners will be announced on Thursday 26 November 2015 at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London.