Created by Rosh Sellahewa and Vytas Astromskas, University of Surrey


Hello and welcome to the GRADnet tutorials for Matlab, Origin 8 and Gnuplot. This course is designed for beginners and is intended to give a solid foundation on which to start processing any results you have obtained during your PhD. This course is written by two PhD students, Vytas Astromskas and Rosh Sellahewa, who are hoping to pass on the knowledge they wish they had known at the start of their research careers.

The module consists of a single 1-hour tutorial but can be viewed segment by segment, complete with pdf walkthroughs, if preferred.


Complete 1-hour Tutorial

You can view the whole module in one go. You will be introduced to plotting using Matlab, Origin 8 and Gnuplot. It can be viewed with or without the accompanying pdf walkthroughs. The tutorial is highly modular, hence, you can pause, rewind and fast-forward it at your leasure. 

The full tutorial can be found here


Individual Tutorials


Plotting with Matlab

This tutorial covers the basics of various commonly used plotting functions in 2D and 3D, as well as, tips on how to polish your figure into a publication-quality graph.

            Plotting with Matlab: Video ,   PDF Walk-Through 



This tutorial introduces you to Origin 8 at a beginner user level. First part familiarises you with the user interface, data manipulation and basic plotting. 

            Introduction to Origin – Part 1 (Video)

Second part teaches how to import, plot  and  fit your data as well as how to generate a publication-quality graph.  

             Introduction to Origin Part 2 (Video)  

The spectrum used in part 2 can be found here (Right click on the link and select “save link as…” in order to download the file).

            PDF Walk-Through for the whole tutorial.



These tutorials are designed to give a beginner an introduction to Gnuplot. The tutorials are illustrative rather than exhaustive, and will provide a good foundation on which to start managing and plotting your data.

The first tutorial assumes no prior Gnuplot use and will instruct on how to produce simple 2D plots:

            Basic Plotting: Video

The second tutorial is for those who have already got to grips with simple plotting and introduces some more advanced features. In particular it will focus on plotting 3 different variables at once, giving a 3D plot.

            3D Plots: Video

The final tutorial explains how to generate plots as independent files, rather than simply displaying them to the screen. A knowledge of basic plotting is advised but although this tutorial includes 3D graphs, previous 3D experience is not required.

            Saving Files: Video

This PDF provides an overall walkthrough of the Gnuplot course. It can be used to supplement the Gnuplot video tutorials, or can be used as a stand-alone reference guide.

            PDF Walk-Through


Happy Plotting!