Monthly Archives: September 2021



The annual Students’ Expo provides an opportunity for students to showcase their work through presentations and posters to over 120 employers, academic tutors and peers. This year over 80 undergraduate students secured industry and research placements and will present their posters at the Expo.

The event will include presentations from students about their projects and you will get a chance to view students’ posters before, during and after the event.

Prizes will be awarded for the best posters based on visual style, scientific content and effective communication.

The event is chaired by Professor Sir William Wakeham and we are delighted that this year’s keynote address will be delivered by Dr Mark Richards – Academic, Entrepreneur, Diversity Champion & DJ.

For further details contact


Taking Control of Your Career as a Woman in Physics Wednesday 27 October 2021, 10.00–12.00 IOP and SEPnet joint online career panel

The Institute of Physics and SEPnet are holding an online careers webinar for university physics students (ie undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate research), as well as recent physics graduates working in a range of employment sectors.

Our half-day panel and networking event will give you a chance to find out the variety of career options available to physicists. You will hear from a diverse range of women with physics-related backgrounds who will talk about their roles and how they got to where they are. They will provide practical advice and information about the skills and experience you need to progress in your career.

Places are limited. Please book IOP-SEPnet Joint Webinar: Taking control of your career as a woman in physics ( as soon as possible to guarantee your place!


Tracey Berry, Senior Lecturer in Physics, Royal Holloway University of London
Rhiann Canavan, Scientific Project Manager, Crossfield Fusion
Azaria Coupe, Associate Scientist, QinetiQ
Katie Ley, Communications Manager, Sopra Steria
Charlotte Massey, Strategy Development Manager Net-zero Ecosystems, National Physical Laboratory
Heather McAslan, Data Science Lead, InCrowd
Chantal Nobs, Senior Radiometric Researcher, UKAEA
Sam Weston, SEPnet Outreach Officer, University of Surrey


SME-DTN Online Sandpit Event on Defence and Security

SEPnet’s SME-DTN funded by Research England Development Fund held their second online sandpit on Wednesday, 15 September 2021. Led by Professor Stephen Sweeney, Academic Lead, University of Surrey and Cristobel Soares, Project Manager for the SME-DTN, the aim of this event was to explore industry relevant collaborative PhD research projects in defence and security.

Thank you to our industry partners Airbus, AWE, DSTL, the National Physical Laboratory, Quantum Dice and Thales who attended the sandpit event.  Representatives from each company presented their research problems to SEPnet academics to identify synergies and  viable future PhD research projects.

Research England Development Fund is supporting this scheme and providing funding for 12 PhD projects from 2020-2024.  If you are a small, medium or large company and would like to collaborate with a SEPnet institution in developing an industry relevant PhD research project in physics, engineering or computer science  please visit: for further information or email


GRADnet Launches Training Programme for 2021-22

GRADnet is pleased to announce the list of forthcoming GRADnet Training events for the academic year 2021-22.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this list is subject to change.

These events are only for SEPnet postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers.  These events are free to attend (SEPnet pays for your accommodation and course fees for residential courses) and travel expenses can be claimed from your department.

List of training events:

20 October 2021:  Online Live GRADnet Induction Day for 1st Year Physics PhD students (via Microsoft Teams). This is compulsory for all September/October 2021 starters. Register here by 18 October 2021.

27 October 2021:  IOP/SEPnet Webinar: “Taking control of your career as a woman in physics”.  The Institute of Physics and SEPnet are holding an online careers webinar for women and non-binary physics students (i.e. undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate research), as well as recent physics graduates working in a range of employment sectors. Our half-day panel and networking event will give you a chance to find out the variety of career options available to physicists. You will hear from a diverse range of women in physics-related careers who will talk about their roles and how they got to where they are. They will provide practical advice and information about the skills and experience you need to progress in your career. This event is open to IOP members and non-members.  Register here by 26 October.

10 November 2021:  Developing knowledge and skills in Public Engagement Webinar Session 1*. This is a two-part Public Engagement series designed to give you an overview of the engagement landscape, and practical guidance as to how to create engagement around your own research.

Session 1:  will explore what public engagement is, delving into the research and literature around it, unpicking why we do engagement, and looking at how to create impact from engagement.  This will be led by SEPnet Outreach and Public Engagement officers with many years’ experience in this field.

Session 2 (see 23 March registration link below):  will be in the format of a workshop and will allow attendees space to discuss their own research and form ideas for engagement. SEPnet Outreach and Public Engagement officers will lead and facilitate this session, using their experience and working with attendees to create impactful engagement plans. There will also be guidance on how to evaluate and evidence engagement, which is particularly important in the context of REF.

We strongly encourage interested postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers to attend both sessions.  For other staff members interested in finding out more about the engagement landscape please do register to attend the first session.  Register here by 8 November.

24 November 2021: IOP Publishing Webinar “How to get published”:  IOP Publishing is one of the world’s foremost publishers within the physical sciences, with over 80 titles covering all aspects of physics. For early career scientists starting out in research, the world of academic publishing can be somewhat confusing. In this webinar we aim to shed some light on this process and enable you to navigate it to maximise the impact and visibility your research. This talk will cover topics such as open access, choosing the correct journal for your work, the peer-review process, and promoting your research. More information can be found on the IOP Publishing Support site at  Register here by 23 November.

12 January 2022: Machine Learning & AI at Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London.  Registration link tbc

14-15 February 2022:  GRADnet Winter School at Cumberland Lodge, Great Park, Windsor.  Register here by 14 January 2022.

23 March 2022 Developing knowledge and skills in Public Engagement Workshop Session 2*.  For details of session 1 & 2 see 10 November 2021 aboveRegister here by 21 March.

28 March 2022:  Advanced Materials at Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey.  Registration link tbc

Astrobiology/Planetary Science at the Open University, Milton Keynes, Bucks, TBC

10 & 17 May 2022:  A Guide to Virtual Networking online workshop.  Register here by 6 May 2022.

4-5 July 2022:  GRADnet Summer School at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.  Registration link tbc

June/July 2022:  XII NExT School TBC

5-7 September 2022:  Student-led Conferences at the University of Southampton.  Registration link tbc

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the delivery of some events may switch to online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

For regular updates visit:  GRADnet Training Events for 2021-22 – SEPnet