Work experience and summer schools offer a great way for school students to develop their understanding and experience of what it is like to study physics at a university.
Although SEPnet partners don’t usually offer work experience because of the nature of the research work undertaken and the level of training required, we do offer a range of summer schools which provide students with the chance to experience the university setting and to enhance their scientific skills. This can help them decide whether they wish to pursue a scientific education and career path:
- The University of Kent runs summer schools in Chemistry and Forensics for 18 year olds, as well as running an annual space themed summer school – space school for 15-18 year olds.
- Queen Mary University of London runs the Girls into Physics Summer school for year 10 pupils.
- Royal Holloway University of London run Summer Sciences University for Year 12 students
- The University of Oxford runs two summer school programmes for year 12 students as well as having work experience opportunities in local schools for year 10 students.
- The University of Southampton offers a limited number of work experience placements to KS4 students and also runs summer schools for A-level students. Additionally they offer Small piece STEM summer schools and Electronics and Computer science summer schools.
- The University of Surrey runs a range of summer schools including in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry and Maths.
- The University of Sussex runs a Physics summer school.
- The University of Portsmouth offers an Engineering summer school.
Additionally, we have collated a list of external organisations which provide work experience in scientific fields, which may be of interest:
- Nuffield Research Placements
- The Ogden Trust often offer a range of internships.