Monthly Archives: January 2016


Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics

Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics – employers and physics PhDs meet at Kent to share ideas on joint working

SEPnet’s Graduate Network (GRADnet) recently held its 4th networking evening to facilitate greater collaboration between industry and physics postgraduate researchers.

Panellists including Simon Campbell of Selex ES, Phil Edwards of Weald Technology, Julie Barry of RIFT Research & Development and Jim Telfer of Hilger Crystals shared their views and advice on what physics graduates can offer businesses, what skills industry needs and what opportunities are available to physics PhDs.   Students then networked with employers to explore potential jobs, research work or industry mentoring support.

SEPnet helps students develop their employability skills in a number of ways and, during the evening, Greg Smith, physics PhD student at Kent, showed his video describing an investigation he would like to send into space. Greg’s video won him a week at the Yuri Gagarin Training Centre in Russia, sponsored jointly by Kent and SEPnet.  The training week will offer Greg the chance to enhance his leadership, team building and communication skills.  You can view Greg’s video here:   Greg Smith, University of Kent – A solution to showering in space.

Our 5th networking event takes place at Surrey on 9 June.  To book a free place, email



EU Marie Curie PhD positions

This is to announce eleven PhD positions financed by the EU; first application deadline is next February15th 2016.

Eleven PhD positions are now being offered by the new Horizon2020 (H2020) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) “Elusives”, (expected to finalize all confirmation procedures in January). The recruited Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will work on Neutrino, Dark Matter and/or BSM physics; most of the positions are to work on theory/phenomenology, but for a few positions dedicated to experimental physics. Applications are now open for PhD studies in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and UK, with starting dates around the fall 2016.

Could you please forward the announcement below to your network? This is urgent, as the first deadline for applications is 15 February 2016.Further application deadlines will be March 30th and May 30th, if positions are still available.

Thank you very much for your help.

On behalf of Belen Gavela, Coordinator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN “Elusives” (,

Tiina Timonen


PhD research on Neutrino, Dark Matter and/or BSM physics. Eleven positions, first application deadline is next February 15th 2016.

The Horizon2020 (H2020) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) “Elusives” to finalise all confirmation procedures in January) is offering PhD positions in Neutrino, Dark Matter and/or BSM physics research, with starting dates around the fall 2016.

Eleven positions are open to application now, in Univ. of Montpellier (CNRS, France), Heidelberg Univ. (Germany), Göttingen Univ. (Germany), Karsruhe Institute of Techonology (Germany), Univ. of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), Univ. Autonoma de Madrid (Spain), Univ. of Barcelona (Spain), Univ. of Valencia/IFIC (Spain), Univ. of Zurich (Switzerland), Univ. of Durham (UK) and Univ. Southampton (UK). Most of the positions are to work on theory/phenomenology, but for a few positions dedicated to experimental physics.

The gross salary is about 3,110 EUR per month; complemented by additional 600 EUR per month corresponding to mobility allowance. Also possibly a family allowance of 500 EUR per month may be paid.

The first deadline for applications is 15 February 2016. Further application deadlines will be March 30th and May 30th 2016, if positions are still available; nevertheless, the positions may be filled at any moment. All applications should be made through the web page

Women and social minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

On behalf of Belen Gavela, Coordinator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN “Elusives”,

Tiina Timonen


Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics – Wednesday 27 January, University of Kent

Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics

A South East Physics Network (SEPnet) Event

SEPnet’s Graduate Network (GRADnet) is organising its 4th networking evening to facilitate greater collaboration and links between industry and physics postgraduate research students (PGRs) and researchers. We anticipate approximately 60 employers, physics PhD students and academics attending this event.

 Who should attend

  • SEPnet PGR students who want to meet small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and employers from physics-related industries to find out about career opportunities, make contacts and explore research and business ideas
  • SEPnet partner researchers who want to build links with industry to explore how their research can create impact
  • SMEs, businesses and employers in physics-related industries.

During the evening:

  • Hear from panellists including: Julie Barry, Head of R&D, RIFT Research & Development, Simon Campbell, Head of Systems Engineering, Selex ES; Iain Duncan, Founder, Mousetrap Innovation; Phil Edwards, Managing Director, Weald Technology; Jim Telfer, Managing Director, Hilger Crystals and others talk about the benefits of knowledge exchange and what physics postgraduates and postdocs can offer industry
  • Participate in a speed networking session;
  • Build ongoing relationships between industry and researchers through placements, mentoring or research collaboration;
  • Refreshments will be provided.

How to register:

This event is free to attend.  Places are limited so please book early by clicking here (PGR students are requested to attend a networking workshop at 16.00).

Travel expenses for research students and staff:

Reasonable travel expenses to attend this event can be reclaimed through SEPnet GRADnet departmental administrators.

Professional training for PGRs:

This event contributes 1 hour towards PGR professional skills training.

For enquiries, contact



GRADnet events in January 2016

Please note that due to low uptake the following courses have unfortunately been cancelled:

  • Working with Workshops: 11 January
  • Algebraic Computing:  15 January 2016
  • Writing Retreat: 23 January 2016


Registration is still open for the following:

Videoconference Courses in 2016:

Stats I: 18 January 2016, 10:00-12:00:  Physical Room at the Open University the Library,  Virtual Room: SEPnet 9 Meeting No:  55999925

Stats II: 25 January 2016, 11:00-12:00:  Physical Room at the Open University the Library,  Virtual Room: SEPnet 9 Meeting No:  55999925