SEPnet is committed to equality and diversity in all aspects of its work. We support SEPnet partners to adopt, and to share across the network, best practice in equality, diversity and inclusion. Besides regular diversity communications, SEPnet supports an annual diversity workshop hosted by one of the members (see the News posts for announcements), and PhD students in SEPnet have established a diversity network of their own: the Intersectional PhD Peer Support Network – IPPSnet. Our commitments will enhance the research and teaching environment for all students and staff, build attainment, and ensure that physics can draw on the full range of talent including currently under-represented groups.
One aim of this work is to address the under-representation of women in physics, and to evidence this by assisting member universities to attain higher levels of recognition in the Institute of Physics’ Project Juno and the Athena SWAN award recognition scheme. SEPnet universities are pleased to encourage their students to participate in the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics UK.
A second aim is to increase the ethnic diversity of physics departments. We do this by providing professional networking opportunities for students and staff from under-represented ethnic groups in order that they may build a critical mass of like-minded physicists, relying on both internal SEPnet networks and external UK networks such as Minorities in STEM which is aimed at those from all minority backgrounds, and The Blackett Lab Family and Black British Professionals in STEM (BBSTEM) which are specially targeted at people who identify as Black. Students and staff seeking a US-based organisation may wish to explore Physicists with a leaning towards engineering and technology may find UK BlackTech to be of interest.
Resources that SEPnet has contributed to or made extensive use of are:
- SEPnet’s own “Shattering Stereotypes” toolkit
- the WISE “People Like Me” resource pack and case studies.
- SEPnet Equality & Diversity Champions Network – a closed group on Linked-In
Local equality, diversity and inclusion links at the SEPnet member universities can be found below:
Open U.
Queen Mary (QMUL)
Royal Holloway (RHUL)