Who: SEPnet PhD students interested in particle physics experiments and theory, alongside NExT PDRAs, PhDs and other national participants.

What: A 4-day residential workshop that consists of a series of extensive review talks/lectures, research presentations by participants and a student-led talk session.

When: 13-16 July 2020

Where: Cosener’s House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire

Numbers: Circa 30-40 delegates

Register here: https://indico.cern.ch/e/nextphd2020

The workshop provides advanced training for students and stimulates work from all participants as it acts as an incubator of collaborative research across SEPnet.

There will be plenty of time for informal conversations and a workshop dinner. This event will include topics in collider and astro-particle physics focusing on the interplay between experiment and theory. The workshop will also feature SEPnet delivered sessions on Diversity, Careers, Employability and Outreach.

The meeting is supported by GRADnet and STFC. Workshop funding and accommodation is provided for 20 PhD students from SEPnet institutions and a similar number of PhD students from external STFC groups from both the theory and experiment communities.