Teams, Communication and Leadership – Winter School 17-19 February 2020

Who: All postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers

What: A 3 day residential course focusing on soft skill development such as: the complexities of teams, effective communication and how you best perform in a team, with the chance to develop leadership qualities and skills. You will experience non-technical challenges that are common in a technical environment, whether in research or industry, where collaboration is key to success.

When: 17-19 February 2020

Where: Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire.

Numbers: Circa 25-30 delegates

This 3-day residential course is designed to develop essential skills for successful collaboration including motivation and management of both self and others.

Attendees will explore the benefits of, and opportunities for, improved social awareness; gain an understanding of one’s strengths and areas for support; look at how one’s working style impacts on co-workers; develop the experience, skills and qualities needed for future leadership.

Working in teams, attendees will develop an understanding of team dynamics and the factors essential to project success within their research, or in a future workplace. The course will provide opportunities for reflection, coaching and feedback.

Attendees will learn how to communicate effectively with others including non-specialists and acquire skills including convincing, pitching and presenting in the context of both research and future employment in academia, commerce or industry.

Teams will be given real challenges to exercise their problem-solving skills in this practical workshop environment developing skills and capabilities they will value throughout their careers.

This event is free (SEPnet pays for your accommodation and course fees) for SEPnet postgraduate researchers and travel expenses incurred can be claimed from your Physics Department.

Register here.  Registration deadline, Friday, 17 January 2020.