GRADnews Issue 5 – Summer 2016 Issue available

The Summer 2016 issue of GRADnews has been sent off for printing. It will be distributed to all PGRs and staff across the SEPnet members over the next two weeks. Watch out for it in your mailslots or in your PGR student common rooms/areas. If there’s one in your mailslot, then it’s for you!

This issue concentrates on the GRADnet Training programme as we reach the third year of its delivery. It summarises some of the recent programme, such as the Online Learning modules produced by PGRs keen to pass on their knowledge to newer students; the recent Summer School held at Hertmonceux; the Entrepreneurship Challenge; the SEPnet Scholar scheme; and, looking forward, the Student led conferences planned for 2017; the training programme and the forthcoming Big Data workshop.

As always, please ensure you have a functioning VRE account so you can fully participate in the programme. If you need help, please look here: 

You can download a copy of the newsletter here: 63890 GRADnews Issue 5 PROOF1