< LaTex Course

Including figures


By the end of the chapter you will:

  • know which file formats can be used for images
  • be able to control the size of images
  • be able to use captions
  • be able to use float to control placement of images
  • be able to wrap text around an image
  • be able to use subfigures

Including Images

As we are compiling with pdflatex we can use the file formats shown on the right. To include an image file we use:

\includegraphics[options]{image file name}

The image files must be kept in the same folder as the tex documents unless you are using the relative path to the filename as described in the Chapters advanced section. The options can be used to change the size of an image. You can specify a particular height [height=2.5cm] or width [width=.5\textwidth] and the aspect ratios will be scaled. You can also scale an image directly using [scale=0.5]

Activity - Input an image into one of your chapter files.

File format Notes
JPEG JPEGs are best for photos or pictures with fine colour gradients.
PNG PNGs are better for diagrams and pictures with solid blocks of colour.
PDF PDFs use more disc space than JPEG but are useful for vector graphics.
EPS EPS files are converted to PDFs using the epstopdf package.

Using Captions

To provide an image with a caption and a label for cross-referencing we put the image in the figure environment. Using the figure environment ensures that the image appears in the List of Figures. Look at the example to the right.

Notice that the figure environment must be closed with \end{figure}. The caption with be written in the List of Figures next to the page number for the image. However often the caption we want underneath the image is too long to put in the List of Figures. We can use the following code to specify a shorter caption for the List of Figures whilst retaining the longer one for image.

\caption[short caption]{longer caption}

Activity - Put your image in the figure environment. Give it a caption and a label.

Remember to compile twice and then check the List of Figures is displayed correctly.

\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{image file name}
\caption{Experimental Setup}
Using captions

Positioning Images

LaTeX automatically positions images in the most appropriate place, which is usually acceptable. However, there may be times when you want to overide the postion of an image. To do this we use placement specifiers in square brackets next to \begin{figure}. On the right is a list of specifiers.

LaTeX treats figures and tables as floats. Floats are items that cannot be broken over two pages. There is also a float package that allows you to force LaTeX to place an image exactly where you have requested it to be. Below is an example of how to place an image at the top of the page.


Placement Specifier Image Placement
h Approximately 'here' where you have written it in the code
t Top of the page
b Bottom of the page
p On a page only for floats
H Strictly 'here' where it is in the code (needs the float package in the preamble)

Advanced - Captions

Captions do not have to placed underneath images. To place captions next to images we need to use the package \usepackage[option]{sidecap} in the preamble. The option decides which side of the image the caption is placed. See the options on the right.

To use the package follow this example:

\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{image file name}

The document needs to be compiled twice to format the caption correctly.

Option Effect
leftcaption Caption placed to the left of the image
rightcaption Caption placed to the right of the image
outercaption caption is left on left pages and right on right pages (default)
innercaption caption is right on left pages and left on right pages

Right caption

Advanced - Wrapping text

LaTeX does not wrap text by default so we need to add the package \usepackage{wrapfig} to the preamble. We then replace \begin{figure} with \begin{wrapfigure}{position}{width} where position is the position of the image and width is the amount of space allowed for the image. The possible postions are shown on the right.

To remove any excess whitespace above and below the image use \vspace with a negative value. See the example below:


Position Explanation
r Image placed to the right of the text
l Image placed to the left of the text
i Image placed near the binding
o Image placed far from the binding

Using uppercase instead of lowercase positoning letters will allow LaTeX to float the image.

Text wrapping

Advanced - Using subfigures

Subfigures are useful when you want to put images side by side with their own captions. To create subfigures add these two packages to you preamble:


Activity - Google the options of the caption package.

To add a subfigure follow the example on the right.

		\caption{Apple OS}
		\caption{Linux OS}
		\caption{Windows OS}
\caption{Different operating systems (OS)}\label{fig:...}
