Yearly Archives: 2017


GRADnet Winter School – Please Register today.

GRADnet Winter School 13-15 February 2017, Cumberland Lodge, Great Windsor Park, Berkshire SL4 2HP

This 3-day residential school will focus on the skills required for effective leadership and team-working.  The core activity will centre around a multi-media case simulation of the ill-fated Columbia Space Shuttle mission. In this mission, NASA engineers and leaders sought to understand the nature and threat associated with a technical problem that occurred on launch. Over the course of the mission, they analysed the damage, assessed the risks, and decided what to do. Leadership, organisational culture, communication, personality characteristics, formal systems and job positions are amongst many complex issues that affected the course of the decision-making process.

Workshop participants work in teams to analyse the simulation, using materials supplied by NASA. Each team takes the role of one of the key NASA managers or engineers, initially experiencing only those events that that person had at the time of the mission. This adds a rich dimension to the case experience as participants recognise how perceptions of the same event can vary.

See attached for further details and a draft timetable. Columbia’s Final Mission Winter School Timetable 2017 Draft

To see what happened at the last Winter School look here.

This is a free event and all reasonable travel expenses are covered by SEPnet.

Log on to the VRE and register here.  Registration deadline 13 January 2017.


Cristobel Soares-Smith

SEPnet Graduate Network Administrator

01483 682270


SEPnet is_DSC9244 seeking 8-12 week placement projects in industry or research in areas such as data analysis, mathematic modelling, product design and testing or science communication.

The scheme is aimed at any organisations interested in recruiting physics graduates or who can offer valuable business experience including large companies, SMEs, start-ups, research institutions, charities and NGOs.

• Early access to bright, numerate students with excellent problem-solving and IT skills
• Enables you to carry out projects you would not normally have time for
• Provides a fresh perspective on your business challenges
• All advertising, administration and placement support is handled by SEPnet
• Some funding available for SMEs.

Employers who participate in the scheme include AWE, BAE Systems, CCFE, Good Energy, Leonardo, Met Office, NPL, QinetiQ, STFC and many SMEs.

Register your placement project, or projects, online by Friday 10 February
For more information visit



Queen Mary University of London launches Research in Schools report.

There is a growing number of projects across the UK giving the opportunity for school students to run their own research projects. This has led to the launch of the Institute for Research in Schools in 2016. Ever wondered how the projects come together? Are you a researcher or teacher and thought about running such a project?

Physicists at SEPnet partner, Queen Mary University of London, have been running
Research in Schools projects over the last two years. Through this time they have come across different challenges in setting up and running said projects. In this report SEPnet / Ogden Outreach Officer Dr Martin Archer looks back and highlights what has worked and what didn’t come together from these projects. These along with the report’s conclusions and recommendations make it essential reading for those looking to set-up similar projects.

The report highlights how Research in Schools projects can have positive impacts on both students and teachers but states how structure and support from universities were important to their success.

Download the Main Report here.

Supplementary material:
Collaboration Agreement with Schools
ULF Project – Teacher’s Guide
Muon Project – Teacher’s Guide

SEPnet would like toIMG_3105 thank QMUL’s Centre for Public Engagement for supporting the running of the Cosmic Ray Muon Project in 2015/16 through a Large Award and STFC for awarding a Public Engagement Small Award to purchase additional muon detectors enabling QMUL to take the cosmic ray muon project to five schools in 2016/17.

SEPnet Outreach continues to encourage and support its partners to develop Research in Schools projects as part of its Schools programme. SEPnet also continues to participate in CERN@School and works closely with the Institute for Research in Schools.

If you would like more information please contact SEPnet Outreach at